See a list of developers/initials.
Planned releases:
01/19/01 4/15/01 Completed
For release: 01/19/01
, production
Goal [conformance]: XSLT 1.0 and XPath 1.0 compliant, 99% conformance test passage.
Goal [performance]: Reasonable, competative performance. [need metrics]
Goal [stability]: Robust.
Goal [api]: API Complete.
Goal [documentation]: Documentation complete.
No known actions pending for 2.0.0 release.
context: code, category: release
For release: 4/15/01
, beta
Goal [conformance]: XSLT 1.1 and XPath 1.0+addendum compliant, 100% conformance test passage.
Goal [performance]: Very good performance. [need metrics]
Goal [stability]: Stable, reasonable.
Goal [api]: API Complete.
Goal [documentation]: Documentation functionally complete.
Verify that the recomposing procedure for each of the recomposable
elements matches the standard (including errata).
context: code, category: conformance, who: GP
Fix xsl:output method= so that it only accepts valid values per the
standard (xml, html, text, qname-that-is-not-an-ncname). I'm looking
into where this change should be made.
context: code, category: conformance, who: GP
Verify that the element-available function exhibits the proper
behavior according to Errata E7 regarding the interaction between the
default namespace and the element-available function.
context: code, category: conformance, who: GP
Add compatibility with XalanJ1 NodeSet extension, so that stylehsheets
can work with both processors.
context: code, category: extensions, who: GP
Handle qName paramterer to the ContentHandler methods being an empty string.
See note from (Mikael Stådal), 01/01/2001 09:42 AM.
context: code, category: bug, who: SB
Optimize "." patterns to be ultra simple iterator.
context: code, category: performance, who: SB
Optimize "/foo/baz" patterns that have no variability, to a global space,
and don't re-evaluate each time.
context: code, category: performance, who: SB
Don published a list of proposed extensions a while ago.
I would really like to get these implemented. This is a good
area for part-time contributers, as the extensions have limited scope.
context: code, category: feature
Joe could use help with the stylesheet compiler stuff.
Lots of work to be done there. In particular, I would like to
figure out how to inline some simple itterator operations,
like select="node()" and select="foo". Also, we need to figure
out how to analyze a particular stylesheet's dependencies, and
be able to package just those classes in a jar, along with the
compiled classes.
Issue [issue-compiler-for-january-release]: I suspect it is unlikely this
will be ready in time for this release.
context: code, category: performance
@todo need to find an HTML to DOM parser we can use!!
Get a good, apache-licensed HTML-to-DOM parser checked into the
xml-xalan\test\java repository, for use by org.apache.qetest.xsl.XHTComparator
context: test, category: feature, priority: high
Get more real-world stylesheets checked into xml-xalan\test\tests\contrib.
We need more real-life examples of how people are using stylesheets, along
with expected outputs (in contrib-gold) - we can then run our test driver
over the whole set of them easily to get more test points.
Note: please feel free to contribute tests here - the committers
will review and move tests into conformance, product, etc. test
areas as needed, but we can always just run ContribTest on any tests.
context: test, category: tests, priority: medium
Get extension tests checked into xml-xalan\test\tests\extend
We have some at Lotus we need to cleanup and checkin, and we
hope to get more examples from Gary and other list members.
context: test, category: tests, priority: high
Delete nodes in the source tree when possible. (?? Note sure if this
is do-able by beta2.)
1) For each expression, tell if expression can traverse outside it's
2) For each element, tell if any following elements may need to
access that node.
3) In instructions that traverse nodes, once the processing of the
node is completed, remove the node if no following elements may
need to access that node.
4) Keep the parse events from getting too far ahead of the transform.
TODO: In StepPattern, Ancestors tests with predicates are problematic,
and will require special treatment.
context: code, category: performance, who: SB
XPointer built on the XPath package.
context: code, category: feature
Schema-savy itterators.
This is hard because there is no standard API for schemas yet.
context: code, packages: xpath.axes, category: performance
Stylesheet analysis module. When I call a template, where is it likely to walk in the tree?
Can I be sure that it will not walk up again?
context: code, id: stylesheet-analysis, packages: processor, category: performance
Related to stylesheet-analysis, the ability to throw away parts of the tree that have been processed,
and we know we won't reuse, based on the stylesheet analysis.
context: code, packages: stree, category: performance
Sub-expression elimination. When I call a series of
xsl:when tests, are there common subexpressions that can be
executed once and then shared?
context: code, packages: processor, category: performance
Update and add to architecture documentation, including package headers.
context: doc, category: documentation, who: SB, completed: 01/12/01
Simplify some of the exception nesting, maybe, and make sure error listeners
are being called for all cases.
Fixed bug with XPaths in this area. Most of the nesting is being caused
by TranformerHandler to SAXException nesting, which can be unnested.
context: code, category: error-handling, who: SB, completed: 01/06/01
Fix 1.8 problems: extend01 (exception), numberformat 06, numberformat16, output77 (exception).
JDK 1.1.8, using xml-xalan\test\ConformanceTest.bat, runharness.bat, and testthreads.bat as-is.
The number format stuff is a bug in JDK 1.8 and can't easily be fixed
or hacked.
context: code, category: bug, who: SB, completed: 01/06/01
Implement xsl:strip-space for generic DOM processing.
context: code, category: bug, who: SB, completed: 01/04/01
For default transformer, do direct transform without stylesheet.
context: code, category: performance, who: SB, completed: 01/03/01
Fix some javadoc headers that still have old XalanJ1 text. For instance,
context: code, category: documentation, who: SB, completed: 01/01/01
Fix bug with Shane's s2s test hang.
context: code, category: bugs, who: SB, completed: 12/31/00
Fix bug with rare intermittent failures, probably in the STree.
Verification testing on JK's machine needed.
context: code, category: bugs, who: SB, JK, completed: 12/31/00
Optimize "/foo/baz" patterns to use simple child walkers.
context: code, category: performance, who: SB, completed: 12/26/00
Create Minitest automated test for developers to run before checkin;
verifies basic functionality of TRAX interface and Xalan processor.
(Still todo, minor: get xalan-dev list to vote to use this)
context: test, who: SC, category: minitest, priority: medium, completed: 12/08/00
Fix remaining axes tests.
context: code, category: architecture, priority: high, who: SB, completed: 12/10/00
When using STree for the input, use STree for the document() and
result tree fragments.
context: code, category: performance, priority: high, who: MM, completed: 12/8/00
Restructure OutputFormat class to be based on properties. Make sure
include/import conformance is correct.
context: code, category: architecture, conformance, priority: high, who: SB, completed: 12/06/00
Make entities in the html serializer to be resource file driven.
context: code, category: architecture, priority: high, who: SB, completed: 12/06/00
Removed linefeed normalization from serializers. I think.
context: code, category: architecture, priority: high, who: SB, completed: 12/06/00
Make this todo list.
context: code, completed-date: 10/31/00
implement javax.trax interfaces.
context: code, who: SB, category: trax, completed-date: 11/06/00
Implement DOMSerializer on SerializerToXML.
context: code, packages: serialize, who: SB, category: feature, completed-date: 11/17/00
implement fast iterator for "foo" pattern.
context: code, who: SB, packages: xpath.axes, category: performance, priority: high, completed-date: 11/17/00
optimize xsl:key and key() stuff by building hash table of iterators for
each key.
context: code, who: MM, category: performance, priority: high, completed-date: 11/29/00
Clean up treatment of null namespaces, re "" vs. null.
I consider this to be pretty good in most places. ""
equals the default namespace. No pending plans for action, other than ongoing
cleanup and javadoc as it occurs.
context: code, category: code-cleanup, priority: medium, completed: 12/01/00
Implement namespace aliasing.
context: code, category: conformance, priority: high, completed: 12/10/00
Catch multiple definitions of a variable with the same name and scope.
context: code, packages: templates, category: conformance, priority: medium, note: done?, completed: 11/29/00
Move org.apache.xalan.utils package to org.apache.xml.utils.
remove resource dependencies on xalan and/or xpath package.
context: code, category: code-cleanup, priority: medium, completed: 11/25/00
Refactored the recompose logic to operate more cleanly and quickly. Fixed TemplateList
to properly order templates.
context: code, category: code-cleanup, performance, packages: templates, priority: medium, who: GP, completed: 11/30/00
Improved error reporting for java extension method errors.
context: code, category: code-cleanup, packages: extensions, priority: medium, who: GP, completed: 10/29/00
Updated documentation for Extension Handling to conform to the new extension mechanism.
context: code, category: documentation, priority: medium, who: GP, completed: 11/23/00
Changed extension mechanism to load extensions using the thread's ContextClassLoader,
if available.
context: code, category: feature, priority: medium, who: GP, completed: 12/03/00
Implement tokenize extension. Implement element-available and function-available for
built-in elements and functions.
context: code, category: feature, packages: extensions, priority: medium, who: GP, completed: 11/28/00
Fix handling of xsl:fallback elements within extension elements that process their own
code (like redirect).
context: code, category: code-cleanup, packages: extensions, priority: medium, who: GP, completed: 11/07/00
Cleaned up compiler handling of getWhatToShow() to result in cleaner code and provide
a more accurate filter.
context: code, category: code-cleanup, packages: compiler, priority: medium, who: GP, completed: 11/09/00
implement fast iterator for "@foo" pattern.
context: code, who: SB, packages: xpath.axes, category: performance, priority: high, completed: 12/13/00
implement fast iterator for "//foo" pattern.
context: code, who: SB, packages: xpath.axes, category: performance, priority: high, completed: 12/14/00
Rewrite the sample servlet to use the TrAX interfaces and eliminate setting system properties
within the servlet.
context: code, category: code-cleanup, who: DL, packages: xalanservlet, priority: medium, completed: 12/15/00
Fix the serializer so it can serialize arbitrary XPath expression results (other than Document nodes).
As it currently stands, the ApplyXPath sample only works when you give it an expression that returns
the entire Document.
context: code, who: SB, packages: org.apache.xalan.serialize, category: samples, priority: high, completed: 12/16/00
Fill in all NEEDSDOC sections.
context: code, category: documentation, priority: high, completed: 12/17/00
Rewrite the client applet to use the TrAX interfaces, and move fetching of source
documents and stylesheets to the trusted worker thread to get around IE security restrictions.
context: code, category: code-cleanup, who: DL, packages: xalan.client, priority: medium, completed: 12/17/00
Check relative URL resolution with notations and unparsed entities.
Not sure if there is a bug here. See note from Thomal Maesing on
10/24/2000, titled "Antwort: Re:".
context: code, category: conformance, priority: high, completed: 12/19/00
Update the xml-xalan\test\viewResults.xsl stylesheet to show
differences between two result files from the same test (eg.
show differences from a results-before.xml run before a developer
makes a change, with results-after.xml, which was after the
developer's change.)
This could be a bunch of stuff added to viewResults.xsl or could
be a separate stylesheet. See SC for details.
context: test, category: feature, priority: high, completed: 12/19/00
A list of some of people currently working on working on Xalan-Java: