Class DecimalFormatProperties


public class DecimalFormatProperties
extends ElemTemplateElement

**For advanced use only** Implement xsl:decimal-format.


See Also:
format-number in XSLT Specification, Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
DecimalFormatProperties(int docOrderNumber)
          Constructor DecimalFormatProperties
Method Summary
 java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols getDecimalFormatSymbols()
          Return the decimal format Symbols for this element.
 char getDecimalSeparator()
          Get the "decimal-separator" attribute.
 char getDigit()
          Get the "digit" attribute.
 char getGroupingSeparator()
          Get the "grouping-separator" attribute.
 java.lang.String getInfinity()
          Get the "infinity" attribute.
 char getMinusSign()
          Get the "minus-sign" attribute.
 QName getName()
          Get the "name" attribute.
 java.lang.String getNaN()
          Get the "NaN" attribute.
 char getPatternSeparator()
          Get the "pattern-separator" attribute.
 char getPercent()
          Get the "percent" attribute.
 char getPerMille()
          Get the "per-mille" attribute.
 char getZeroDigit()
          Get the "zero-digit" attribute.
 void recompose(StylesheetRoot root)
          This function is called to recompose() all of the decimal format properties elements.
 void setDecimalSeparator(char ds)
          Set the "decimal-separator" attribute.
 void setDigit(char v)
          Set the "digit" attribute.
 void setGroupingSeparator(char gs)
          Set the "grouping-separator" attribute.
 void setInfinity(java.lang.String inf)
          Set the "infinity" attribute.
 void setMinusSign(char v)
          Set the "minus-sign" attribute.
 void setName(QName qname)
          Set the "name" attribute.
 void setNaN(java.lang.String v)
          Set the "NaN" attribute.
 void setPatternSeparator(char v)
          Set the "pattern-separator" attribute.
 void setPercent(char v)
          Set the "percent" attribute.
 void setPerMille(char v)
          Set the "per-mille" attribute.
 void setZeroDigit(char v)
          Set the "zero-digit" attribute.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.xalan.templates.ElemTemplateElement
appendChild, appendChild, canStripWhiteSpace, compareTo, compose, containsExcludeResultPrefix, endCompose, error, error, error, execute, getBaseIdentifier, getChildNodes, getColumnNumber, getDeclaredPrefixes, getDOMBackPointer, getFirstChild, getFirstChildElem, getLastChild, getLastChildElem, getLength, getLineNumber, getNamespaceForPrefix, getNamespaceForPrefix, getNextSibling, getNextSiblingElem, getNodeName, getNodeType, getOwnerDocument, getParentElem, getParentNode, getParentNodeElem, getPrefixes, getPreviousSibling, getPreviousSiblingElem, getPublicId, getStylesheet, getStylesheetComposed, getStylesheetRoot, getSystemId, getTagName, getUid, getXmlSpace, getXSLToken, hasChildNodes, hasTextLitOnly, hasVariableDecl, isCompiledTemplate, item, removeChild, replaceChild, replaceChild, resolvePrefixTables, runtimeInit, setDOMBackPointer, setLocaterInfo, setParentElem, setPrefixes, setPrefixes, setUid, setXmlSpace, shouldStripWhiteSpace
Methods inherited from class org.apache.xml.utils.UnImplNode
adoptNode, appendData, cloneNode, createAttribute, createAttributeNS, createCDATASection, createComment, createDocumentFragment, createElement, createElementNS, createEntityReference, createProcessingInstruction, createTextNode, deleteData, getAttribute, getAttributeNode, getAttributeNodeNS, getAttributeNS, getAttributes, getDoctype, getDocumentElement, getElementById, getElementsByTagName, getElementsByTagNameNS, getEncoding, getImplementation, getLocalName, getNamespaceURI, getNodeValue, getOwnerElement, getPrefix, getSpecified, getStandalone, getStrictErrorChecking, getVersion, hasAttribute, hasAttributeNS, hasAttributes, importNode, insertBefore, insertData, isSupported, normalize, removeAttribute, removeAttributeNode, removeAttributeNS, removeChild, replaceData, setAttribute, setAttributeNode, setAttributeNodeNS, setAttributeNS, setData, setEncoding, setNodeValue, setPrefix, setStandalone, setStrictErrorChecking, setValue, setVersion, splitText, substringData
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DecimalFormatProperties(int docOrderNumber)
Constructor DecimalFormatProperties
Method Detail


public java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols getDecimalFormatSymbols()
Return the decimal format Symbols for this element.

The xsl:decimal-format element declares a decimal-format, which controls the interpretation of a format pattern used by the format-number function. If there is a name attribute, then the element declares a named decimal-format; otherwise, it declares the default decimal-format. The value of the name attribute is a QName, which is expanded as described in [2.4 Qualified Names]. It is an error to declare either the default decimal-format or a decimal-format with a given name more than once (even with different import precedence), unless it is declared every time with the same value for all attributes (taking into account any default values).

The other attributes on xsl:decimal-format correspond to the methods on the JDK 1.1 DecimalFormatSymbols class. For each get/set method pair there is an attribute defined for the xsl:decimal-format element.

the decimal format Symbols for this element.


public void setName(QName qname)
Set the "name" attribute. If there is a name attribute, then the element declares a named decimal-format; otherwise, it declares the default decimal-format.
qname - The name to set as the "name" attribute.


public QName getName()
Get the "name" attribute. If there is a name attribute, then the element declares a named decimal-format; otherwise, it declares the default decimal-format.
the value of the "name" attribute.


public void setDecimalSeparator(char ds)
Set the "decimal-separator" attribute. decimal-separator specifies the character used for the decimal sign; the default value is the period character (.).
ds - Character to set as decimal separator


public char getDecimalSeparator()
Get the "decimal-separator" attribute. decimal-separator specifies the character used for the decimal sign; the default value is the period character (.).
the character to use as decimal separator


public void setGroupingSeparator(char gs)
Set the "grouping-separator" attribute. grouping-separator specifies the character used as a grouping (e.g. thousands) separator; the default value is the comma character (,).
gs - Character to use a grouping separator


public char getGroupingSeparator()
Get the "grouping-separator" attribute. grouping-separator specifies the character used as a grouping (e.g. thousands) separator; the default value is the comma character (,).
Character to use a grouping separator


public void setInfinity(java.lang.String inf)
Set the "infinity" attribute. infinity specifies the string used to represent infinity; the default value is the string Infinity.
inf - String to use as the "infinity" attribute.


public java.lang.String getInfinity()
Get the "infinity" attribute. infinity specifies the string used to represent infinity; the default value is the string Infinity.
String to use as the "infinity" attribute.


public void setMinusSign(char v)
Set the "minus-sign" attribute. minus-sign specifies the character used as the default minus sign; the default value is the hyphen-minus character (-, #x2D).
v - Character to use as minus sign


public char getMinusSign()
Get the "minus-sign" attribute. minus-sign specifies the character used as the default minus sign; the default value is the hyphen-minus character (-, #x2D).
Character to use as minus sign


public void setNaN(java.lang.String v)
Set the "NaN" attribute. NaN specifies the string used to represent the NaN value; the default value is the string NaN.
v - String to use as the "NaN" attribute.


public java.lang.String getNaN()
Get the "NaN" attribute. NaN specifies the string used to represent the NaN value; the default value is the string NaN.
String to use as the "NaN" attribute.


public void setPercent(char v)
Set the "percent" attribute. percent specifies the character used as a percent sign; the default value is the percent character (%).
v - Character to use as percent


public char getPercent()
Get the "percent" attribute. percent specifies the character used as a percent sign; the default value is the percent character (%).
Character to use as percent


public void setPerMille(char v)
Set the "per-mille" attribute. per-mille specifies the character used as a per mille sign; the default value is the Unicode per-mille character (#x2030).
v - Character to use as per-mille


public char getPerMille()
Get the "per-mille" attribute. per-mille specifies the character used as a per mille sign; the default value is the Unicode per-mille character (#x2030).
Character to use as per-mille


public void setZeroDigit(char v)
Set the "zero-digit" attribute. zero-digit specifies the character used as the digit zero; the default value is the digit zero (0).
v - Character to use as the digit zero


public char getZeroDigit()
Get the "zero-digit" attribute. zero-digit specifies the character used as the digit zero; the default value is the digit zero (0).
Character to use as the digit zero


public void setDigit(char v)
Set the "digit" attribute. digit specifies the character used for a digit in the format pattern; the default value is the number sign character (#).
v - Character to use for a digit in format pattern


public char getDigit()
Get the "digit" attribute. digit specifies the character used for a digit in the format pattern; the default value is the number sign character (#).
Character to use for a digit in format pattern


public void setPatternSeparator(char v)
Set the "pattern-separator" attribute. pattern-separator specifies the character used to separate positive and negative sub patterns in a pattern; the default value is the semi-colon character (;).
v - Character to use as a pattern separator


public char getPatternSeparator()
Get the "pattern-separator" attribute. pattern-separator specifies the character used to separate positive and negative sub patterns in a pattern; the default value is the semi-colon character (;).
Character to use as a pattern separator


public void recompose(StylesheetRoot root)
This function is called to recompose() all of the decimal format properties elements.
root - Stylesheet root
recompose in class ElemTemplateElement

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