Uses of Class

Packages that use DTMStringPool

Uses of DTMStringPool in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref

Subclasses of DTMStringPool in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref
 class CustomStringPool
          CustomStringPool is an example of appliction provided data structure for a DTM implementation to hold symbol references, e.g.
 class DTMSafeStringPool
          Like DTMStringPool, but threadsafe.

Methods in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref that return DTMStringPool
 DTMStringPool DTMDocumentImpl.getLocalNameTable()
          Get a reference pointer to the element name symbol table.
 DTMStringPool DTMDocumentImpl.getNsNameTable()
          Get a reference pointer to the namespace URI symbol table.
 DTMStringPool DTMDocumentImpl.getPrefixNameTable()
          Get a reference pointer to the prefix name symbol table.

Methods in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref with parameters of type DTMStringPool
 void DTMDocumentImpl.setLocalNameTable(DTMStringPool poolRef)
          Set a reference pointer to the element name symbol table.
 void DTMDocumentImpl.setNsNameTable(DTMStringPool poolRef)
          Set a reference pointer to the namespace URI symbol table.
 void DTMDocumentImpl.setPrefixNameTable(DTMStringPool poolRef)
          Set a reference pointer to the prefix name symbol table.

Constructors in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref with parameters of type DTMStringPool
ExpandedNameTable.ExpandedNameTable(DTMStringPool locNamesPool, DTMStringPool namespaceNames)
          Constructor ExpandedNameTable

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