Interface Summary | |
NodeConsumer | The tree walker will test for this interface, and call setOriginatingNode before calling the SAX event. |
PrefixResolver | **For advanced use only** The class that implements this interface can resolve prefixes to namespaces. |
RawCharacterHandler | **For advanced use only** An interface that a Serializer/ContentHandler/ContentHandler must implement in order for disable-output-escaping to work. |
XMLString | This class is meant to be an interface to character strings, whether they
be java Strings or org.apache.xml.utils.FastStringBuffer s, or
other character data. |
Class Summary | |
AttList | **For internal use only** Wraps a DOM attribute list in a SAX Attributes. |
BoolStack | **For internal use only** Simple stack for boolean values. |
CharKey | **For internal use only** Simple class for fast lookup of char values, when used with hashtables. |
DefaultErrorHandler | Implement SAX error handler for default reporting. |
DOMBuilder | This class takes SAX events (in addition to some extra events that SAX doesn't handle yet) and adds the result to a document or document fragment. |
FastStringBuffer | Bare-bones, unsafe, fast string buffer. |
IntStack | **For internal use only** Implement a stack of simple integers. |
IntVector | **For internal use only** A very simple table that stores a list of int. |
ListingErrorHandler | Sample implementation of similar SAX ErrorHandler and JAXP ErrorListener. |
MutableAttrListImpl | **For advanced use only** Mutable version of AttributesImpl. |
NameSpace | **For advanced use only** A representation of a namespace. |
NamespaceSupport2 | Encapsulate Namespace tracking logic for use by SAX drivers. |
NodeVector | **For internal use only** A very simple table that stores a list of Nodes. |
NSInfo | **For internal use only** This class holds information about the namespace info of a node. |
ObjectPool | **For internal use only** Pool of object of a given type to pick from to help memory usage |
PrefixResolverDefault | This class implements a generic PrefixResolver that can be used to perform prefix-to-namespace lookup for the XPath object. |
QName | Class to represent a qualified name: "The name of an internal XSLT object, specifically a named template (see [7 Named Templates]), a mode (see [6.7 Modes]), an attribute set (see [8.1.4 Named Attribute Sets]), a key (see [14.2 Keys]), a locale (see [14.3 Number Formatting]), a variable or a parameter (see [12 Variables and Parameters]) is specified as a QName. |
SAXSourceLocator | Class SAXSourceLocator extends org.xml.sax.helpers.LocatorImpl for the purpose of implementing the SourceLocator interface, and thus can be both a SourceLocator and a SAX Locator. |
SerializableLocatorImpl | The standard SAX implementation of LocatorImpl is not serializable, limiting its utility as "a persistent snapshot of a locator". |
StringBufferPool | **For internal use only** This class pools string buffers, since they are reused so often. |
StringToIntTable | **For internal use only** A very simple lookup table that stores a list of strings, the even number strings being keys, and the odd number strings being values. |
StringToStringTable | **For internal use only** A very simple lookup table that stores a list of strings, the even number strings being keys, and the odd number strings being values. |
StringToStringTableVector | **For internal use only** A very simple table that stores a list of StringToStringTables, optimized for small lists. |
StringVector | **For internal use only** A very simple table that stores a list of strings, optimized for small lists. |
SuballocatedByteVector | **For internal use only** A very simple table that stores a list of byte. |
SuballocatedIntVector | **For internal use only** A very simple table that stores a list of int. |
SystemIDResolver | **For internal use only** This class is used to resolve relative URIs and SystemID strings into absolute URIs. |
TreeWalker | **For advanced use only** This class does a pre-order walk of the DOM tree, calling a ContentHandler interface as it goes. |
Trie | **For internal use only** A digital search trie for 7-bit ASCII text The API is a subset of java.util.Hashtable The key must be a 7-bit ASCII string The value may be any Java Object |
UnImplNode | **For internal use only** To be subclassed by classes that wish to fake being nodes. |
URI | A class to represent a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). |
XMLCharacterRecognizer | **For internal use only** Class used to verify whether the specified ch conforms to the XML 1.0 definition of whitespace. |
XMLStringFactory | A concrete class that implements this interface creates XMLString objects. |
Exception Summary | |
URI.MalformedURIException | MalformedURIExceptions are thrown in the process of building a URI or setting fields on a URI when an operation would result in an invalid URI specification. |
WrappedRuntimeException | This class is for throwing important checked exceptions over non-checked methods. |
WrongParserException | Certain functions may throw this error if they are paired with the incorrect parser. |
Implementation of Xalan utility classes. This package is also shared by XPath. There *should* be no outward dependencies to XPath or Xalan by classes in this package.