Class SourceTree


public class SourceTree
extends java.lang.Object

**For internal use only** This object represents a Source Tree, and any associated information.

Field Summary
 int m_root
          The root of the source tree, which may or may not be a Document node.
 java.lang.String m_url
          The URI of the source tree.
Constructor Summary
SourceTree(int root, java.lang.String url)
          Constructor SourceTree
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public java.lang.String m_url
The URI of the source tree.


public int m_root
The root of the source tree, which may or may not be a Document node.
Constructor Detail


public SourceTree(int root,
                  java.lang.String url)
Constructor SourceTree
root - The root of the source tree, which may or may not be a Document node.
url - The URI of the source tree.

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