Class FuncExtFunction


public class FuncExtFunction
extends Function

**For advanced use only** An object of this class represents an extension call expression. When the expression executes, it calls ExtensionsTable#extFunction, and then converts the result to the appropriate XObject.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
FuncExtFunction(java.lang.String namespace, java.lang.String extensionName, java.lang.Object methodKey)
          Create a new FuncExtFunction based on the qualified name of the extension, and a unique method key.
Method Summary
 void checkNumberArgs(int argNum)
          Check that the number of arguments passed to this function is correct.
 XObject execute(XPathContext xctxt)
          Execute the function.
 void fixupVariables(java.util.Vector vars, int globalsSize)
          This function is used to fixup variables from QNames to stack frame indexes at stylesheet build time.
 void setArg(Expression arg, int argNum)
          Set an argument expression for a function.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.xpath.Expression
asIterator, asNode, assertion, bool, canTraverseOutsideSubtree, error, execute, execute, executeCharsToContentHandler, isNodesetExpr, isStableNumber, num, setSourceLocator, warn, xstr
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FuncExtFunction(java.lang.String namespace,
                       java.lang.String extensionName,
                       java.lang.Object methodKey)
Create a new FuncExtFunction based on the qualified name of the extension, and a unique method key.
namespace - The namespace for the extension function, which should not normally be null or empty.
extensionName - The local name of the extension.
methodKey - Unique method key, which is passed to ExtensionsTable#extFunction in order to allow caching of the method.
Method Detail


public void fixupVariables(java.util.Vector vars,
                           int globalsSize)
This function is used to fixup variables from QNames to stack frame indexes at stylesheet build time.
vars - List of QNames that correspond to variables. This list should be searched backwards for the first qualified name that corresponds to the variable reference qname. The position of the QName in the vector from the start of the vector will be its position in the stack frame (but variables above the globalsTop value will need to be offset to the current stack frame). NEEDSDOC @param globalsSize
fixupVariables in class Expression


public XObject execute(XPathContext xctxt)
                throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException
Execute the function. The function must return a valid object.
xctxt - The current execution context.
A valid XObject.
javax.xml.transform.TransformerException -  
execute in class Function


public void setArg(Expression arg,
                   int argNum)
            throws WrongNumberArgsException
Set an argument expression for a function. This method is called by the XPath compiler.
arg - non-null expression that represents the argument.
argNum - The argument number index.
WrongNumberArgsException - If the argNum parameter is beyond what is specified for this function.
setArg in class Function


public void checkNumberArgs(int argNum)
                     throws WrongNumberArgsException
Check that the number of arguments passed to this function is correct.
argNum - The number of arguments that is being passed to the function.
WrongNumberArgsException -  
checkNumberArgs in class Function

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